Over the past 4 years, I have written thousands of articles for clients from across hundreds of different niches.
So, I have a fair share of idea about how to create content fast (and faster).
Yes, at times, it gets tough, frustrating and off-the-flow. For instance, this 5,785 words post…
How to Reduce Bounce Rate: 19 Steps To Save Your SEO
…it took me 17 days to finish! 🙁
But, aside from this, I have been fairly consistent at it.
Writing 4,000 words every day at work.
Writing some more for my blogs and social media at home: including here on Spell Out Marketing, on Medium @ThatNameAsif where I daily blog, and on Spell Out Marketing – Insider.
I know how to create content faster – without hurting the quality of the content.
Let’s jump right into it.

Here are 25 tips to bring out the superstar content writer from inside you who achieves more in less time:
1. Create The Right Environment (And Mindset)

You cannot write fast when you’re lying on your bed, super-comfy, almost ready to fall asleep with a push.
It’s difficult to bring fluidity to your thoughts, which is essential in writing, when you’re surrounded by too many loud people who you’re chattering with.
The right environment is highly underrated. But it’s incredibly important if you’re looking to create good content faster.
So, when you sit to write, create an inspiring and pleasant atmosphere around you that’s without any distraction.
Sit on a proper table. Block out all the interruptions.
Put your phone away and in silent mode.
If needed, listen to some soothing music that maintains your concentration.
2. Understand Your Problem

Do you think you don’t create content fast enough? Think you’re slow at it?
WHY? What’s the reason?
Audit yourself and find the reason. It’s a very simple way to achieve what you’re trying to achieve here: More content in less time.
Is it your typing speed?
Do you easily get distracted?
Do you start writing and then in 5 minutes end up on YouTube watching your favorite videos?
Do you have trouble processing your thoughts clearly in the head before penning them?
There could be many legit reasons, which are usually unique from person to person.
Identify your problem. And then focus primarily on it to improve the speed of your content creation process.
3. Know What You Will Write On

“What do I write on today?” – it’s the worst spot to be in when you sit to write.
Because a large part of your time will then go into thinking on the topic.
And if you manage to end up with a topic that you don’t know a lot about, you’re going to spend a ridiculous amount of time shuffling the browser’s tabs and doing research.
You need to have the topics beforehand.
This is why having an editorial calendar is so very important.
You create an editorial calendar based on your needs and goals.
And from there, for the next few months, you’re always in the know of what you will write next.
It saves you the time and from the confusion of “what to write today”.
Also, if you have a topic right from the go, you can actually create a framework in your head of what you’re going to write even before you actually sit to write.
This is one of the great content creation techniques, which further speeds the process.
4. Use The Pomodoro Technique

Used for time management, the Pomodoro technique is one of the most effective productivity techniques out there.
The premise is simple…
You work in time batches, usually of 25 minutes. (These batches are called “Pomodoro”.)
After completing each Pomodoro, you take a break of 5 minutes.
Once you have completed 4 Pomodoro (total 100 minutes) and have taken 3 breaks (total 15 minutes), you now take a longer break of 20 minutes.
This completes your one Pomodoro cycle of 2 hours.

A defined period when you’re “supposed” to work brings more focus.
Plus, the defined breaks help you better deal with distractions and other menial tasks that would otherwise interrupt your work.
This whole cycle of work and break and work some more brings higher consistency, which helps you achieve more.
There are many Pomodoro apps out there for both Android and iOS. You can download one.
Or, instead, you can simply use the built-in timer on your phone.
5. Write The Introduction At The Very Last

Next to your headline, the introduction of the article is the most important thing.
If it’s not interesting, promising and gripping enough, the visitors would leave instantly.
Recommended Read: How to Increase Website Dwell Time – A Practical Guide
So, this makes writing the introduction quite a laborious task – because you want it to be as good as possible.
This, naturally, also makes writing the introduction quite a time-consuming task.
And when we’re taking too much time doing something, and we don’t see any substantial outcome, it further makes us demotivated and less-energetic.
And this isn’t something we want to feel right off the bat when we have an entire article to complete.
So, do not start writing the content with the introduction.
Get to the main part first.
Complete the conclusion part first.
Then jump to the introduction, which usually should be small and very direct.
This approach also eliminates the instances of ‘over-promising in the beginning and under-delivering in the climax’. (Something that destroys brand value!)
Since you have already written the main part, you would make promises in the beginning accordingly.
6. Create A Framework Of The Content First

Dividing your article into different headings and sub-headings, and then fleshing out those headings and sub-headings individually into unique paragraphs – this is a very effective technique
It makes content creation faster, much more organized and convenient.
Instead of seeing your article as one big block of content, you see it as a group of individual contents.
Psychosocially, it makes a big difference.
You don’t see it as “I have to write a long 2,000-word article”. Instead, you see it as “I have to write 5 small 400-word articles.”
The former looks quite laborious and tedious. The latter one looks easy and achievable.
In addition, when you split your content’s framework into well-organized groups, you can then start the writing process with the parts that are easy.
Complete the easy headings and sub-headings first and fast. And then move on to the difficult ones.
This practice makes writing much easier and faster.
7. Don’t Be A Writer – Be A Blogger

There are many – albeit minor – differences between a blogger and a writer.
Writers try to get their copies perfectly. For them, it’s more about “how much I know” or “how good I write”.
On the contrary, bloggers create content that isn’t necessarily perfect but rather friendly and engaging. For them, it’s more about “what readers want” or “how I can provide them more value”.
Recommended Read: How to Make Your Content More Engaging? (15 Practical Ways)
When you’re trying to create content fast, being a blogger helps.
Because you’re not trying to get things perfect. You’re not trying to convince others that you’re a good writer. You’re not looking for the perfect words and sentences.
Your primary focus is entirely on the problems of the target audience and the solutions they are looking for.
They want a solution. And you want to provide them that in the simplest and most straightforward way.
The end result?
A very up-front, friendly and conversation-like content.
You write NOT like you’re giving a test. You write like you’re talking to a friend and trying to explain her/him something.
You write as you think in your head and talk to people around you.
The flow of thoughts in your head becomes the words in your content. It’s much more natural. And it makes writing quicker.
8. Do Not Edit Just Yet

Many people are in this bad habit.
After completing a paragraph or a part of the content, they tend to edit it first and then move forward.
Not surprisingly, this wastes a lot of time. And it’s completely unnecessary.
Because before publishing, you’re going to have to edit the entire content again anyway.
And then you will also have to proofread it before you hit that “Publish” button.
So, if you’re in a bad habit of making small edits after you complete your sentences, paragraphs, and sub-headings – please stop!
Write and move on. Re-visit what you have written at the very last after you have completed the entire content.
9. Say “No” To Unnecessary Information

To put across a point more clearly, it’s common to get into more details and explain whatever you’re trying to explain with too much information.
At times, this may be fine.
However, more often than not, it’s not something you should do.
One, of course, because it takes more time.
Second, too much information wastes readers’ time. And they might not necessarily appreciate it.
And third, again, it takes a lot of time unnecessarily.
Instead of explaining every little thing, link the pages where people can go to find the details.
Hyperlink the relevant anchor texts. Provide “Recommended Read” prompts. Tell readers that if they want more details, “please go here”.
Make your content to the point, concise and direct. This is one of the key tips on how to become a content writer.
10. Be Certain Of The Length Of The Content

When you create the editorial calendar, mention on that excel/sheet the rough estimation of the length of your content.
This would give you a fair idea of how long you should take to complete that piece of content.
It would also prevent you from going beyond the word count limit, hence saving you a lot of time.
For example, many people go overboard when writing on topics that they like. They stretch it too long because they didn’t set the right limit in the first place.
Don’t make the same mistake.
Before you start writing, be very certain of the approximate length of the content. And then create your framework accordingly.
Recommended Read: The Myth of 1,890 Words Article
11. Do Not Re-Read What You Just Wrote

Notice it…
After completing every one or two sentences, you re-read it to make sure that what you have written is correct.
I have seen and heard many content writers do this.
Unsurprisingly, completely unnecessary, it wastes a lot of time.
It is a bad habit that needs to be identified and get rid of.
So, if you do this, take note of it seriously. And then force yourself to continue writing on a long stretch without re-reading what you just wrote.
12. Use The Right Writing/Editing Tools

Today, there exists a handful of writing and editing tools that make this whole process relatively easier.
If you’re using Microsoft Word, you will already find a handful of built-in features. Like spelling correction and thesaurus. It also decently helps correct basic grammar mistakes.
Grammarly is one of the best content writing and editing tools out there. You can install its add-ons on your browser, Windows and MS Word.
Recommended Read: Grammarly Review 2019- Thoughts of a Professional Copywriter
It comes free. And it’s quite powerful in detecting grammatical mistakes. If activated, it helps raise alerts in real-time and provide correct alternatives.
Hemingway Editor is another great editing tool. You can use it on your browser or download its desktop app.
In its own words “the app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors.”
Psychologically, when you know the editing part is easy and more reliable with such tools, you don’t put too much stress on getting your copies perfect when writing.
13. Challenge Yourself

The writing process doesn’t have to be boring and such a drag,
You can make it more fun and interesting by setting for yourself small targets. For instance, challenge yourself.
Challenge: I will complete writing 1,000 words in 70 minutes.
Challenge: I will write for 10 minutes without looking anywhere but my computer screen
And then go out to do that.
If you’re competitive enough, such challenges can make the boring process more interesting and you more productive.
14. Do Research The Right Way

How you do your research for your articles?
Do you stop writing, go to Google and find some facts/stats to plug in your content?
Do you keep multiple browser tabs open and shuffle between them as you need the information to include in your content?
This is a flawed method!
It not only interrupts your writing process, but it also takes more time to individually find your information and then natively incorporate it in your content.
Here’s what you should do instead…
After you have created the framework of your content (as discussed in point #5), do all your research in one-sit.
Depending on your topic, headings, and sub-headings, you will already have a fair idea of what facts, stats, and information you would require.
Google them!
Find all that you’re looking for (and some more). And then put them under appropriate headings and sub-headings as seed facts/data.
Now when you’re actually writing, you can easily flesh out these seed facts/data into substantial information in one place…
- Without disrupting your writing process; and
- Without wasting time on individually going to different platforms and frantically looking for the right facts/data.
It will save A LOT of your time.
15. Improve Your Typing Speed

This is quite a no-brainer.
You will create content much slowly if your typing speed is slow.
Interestingly, many people undermine such an important factor. Don’t be one of them.
Check your typing speed. Go to this website.
35 WPM is a decent typing speed. If yours is lower than this, you should definitely work to improve your typing speed.
Sure, it will take a lot of time. But then there’s no way around to this.
Type more, type accurately, type faster.
Check out this Tutorial by Anson Alexander:
16. Avoid Re-Writing Someone Else’s Work

This takes more time than creating a fresh and completely unique piece of content.
When you try to re-write someone else’s work, you spend an awful lot of time in making sure that yours doesn’t look like you have copied from someone else’s.
You try to replace every word with close synonyms.
You reshuffle the sentence formation unnecessarily.
You drag it with a longer explanation just to make your content looks different.
All these take a lot of time.
So, never re-write someone else’s content.
If you’re really stuck somewhere where you don’t know what to say or write…
Read others’ material. Understand what they are saying. And then put whatever you have understood in your own words.
It’s much easier and quicker to translate your own ideas into written words as compared to translating someone else’s ideas and words.
17. Focus On Providing Real Value

Admittedly, this is quite a vague tip on how to create content fast.
But it does stresses on the perspective that you must have when writing. And this is something very important.
When you’re writing aimlessly, with no purpose, you will find it easier to get lost on the track of haywire thoughts.
On the other hand, when your focus is on providing real value to your readers, your thoughts get unified with one clear objective: How do I help her or him.
It’s similar to talking.
When you’re talking with purpose and are trying to make someone understand something, you find higher fluidity in your thoughts and words.
This is just the opposite of how you think and speak when speaking without purpose.
So… Put yourself in the shoes of your audience. Understand what they want.
And then go ahead to offer them exactly that.
With higher clarity of providing real value to your audience, writing becomes quite faster. And not to forget: it becomes more interesting and satisfying.
18. Add More Stakes

“Until I complete this article, I won’t eat.”
“I won’t do anything else on my blog until I finish writing this article.”
“I will talk to my best friend only after I have finished writing this piece.”
Such conditions add a sense of urgency. They take ‘writing faster’ from being optional to essential.
You find it essential to complete your targets.
So, set small goals. And then add such stakes to them. You will have no option but to create content faster and achieve those small goals.
19. Take A (Long) Break Before You Start Editing

This is quite a basic and popular practice.
What many people do is once they have the content ready, they rush to publish it. This makes editing and proofreading quite ineffective.
In addition, many content creators do not even consider editing and proofreading as something important. (In reality, they are just as important as creating!)
Don’t make such mistakes.
Once you have finished creating the content, take a longer break to detach yourself from the process.
Else, since still in the same zone or mindset, you will find it difficult to spot errors and make active edits.
20. Constantly Increase Your Knowledge Base

When you don’t know something when creating content…
- You’re going to refer to different websites all the time.
- You will think a lot before writing.
Both will take a lot of time.
A simple solution here is to increase your knowledge base through active learning.
When you know more, you find it easier to process your thoughts and turn them into a piece of content.
You get better ideas. Your opinions and takes become more in-depth and fluid.
You don’t find the need to spend too much time doing the research work.
You grow as an expert on whatever topic(s) you cover. This then helps you grow as a writer.
All these contribute in helping you create content faster.
21. You Don’t Have To Get It Perfect

The need for perfection comes out of insecurity.
If you’re always looking to create that perfect piece of content, understand this: Nobody cares.
Nobody cares about the choice of your words and sentence formation…
- for as long as you’re putting forth your point clearly…
- for as long you’re bringing them substantial value.
Besides, there’s no such thing as a “perfect” copy. Just like there’s no such thing as “perfect words” that come out of your mouth.
On top of that, as one of the popular content marketing strategies, you’re asked to revise and revamp your old content on a regular interval to maximize its output.
Recommended Read: Revamp and Repurpose Your Old Content To Boost SEO
So, even if your content isn’t very good right now, you can always revamp and improve it later.
(NOTE: This doesn’t mean you should publish bad quality content. It simply means you should stop with your obsession for “perfect”.)
22. Fix Your Bad Habit

You have a lot of bad habits – much like the rest of us.
These bad habits include everything FROM how you prepare yourself to write TO the way you write.
You need to actively identify these habits, which usually result in the problems we discussed earlier.
Here are some common bad habits of content writers:
- Thinking way damn much before and during writing.
- Checking the phone every couple of minutes.
- Chasing the perfect copy. Writing to prove others “I am a good writer”.
- Overly-criticizing their copy at the time of editing and proofreading.
- Not getting enough sleep. Yes, it makes writing difficult and slow.
- Listening to bad music while writing. It influences your motivation and inspiration in the wrong direction.
- Writing at the wrong time.
- Eating the wrong food. And not getting enough exercise and “outdoor time”.
- Following the conventional rules of writing. When you’re writing for the web, there exist none. The sole focus is on “effective communication”, no matter how it happens.
These are some bad habits of writers that directly and indirectly affect the speed of content creation.
If you have any of these habits, actively take note of them and then create a definite plan to fix them.
23. Track Your Improvements

You wouldn’t know if you have made any progress if you aren’t measuring it.
So, track how you are right now and how you will be in a month from now.
Know how fast you create content at present… And how faster you have gone a month from now.
How many words do you complete in an hour? How much time do you take in finishing one article? How many minutes and hours of breaks do you require?
The better you understand your facts and figures, the easier will you find it to answer: how to create content fast.
Depending on your current improvements through in-depth analysis, you can make a content creation plan to further improve yourself.
So, keep a tab of how far you have come. This is key to reach the point that you want to reach.
Is Distraction Your Biggest Problem?

Okay, this is a problem for many content creators. And there are many holistic solutions to this.
Do yoga. Do meditation. Change your lifestyle. Reshuffle your room. And more.
However, a simple solution that I have found to be quite helpful in keeping distractions away while I am writing and creating content is this…
A distraction list.
When you’re writing, keep beside you a white paper and pen.
Now whenever some distracting thoughts come to your mind, write that down in limited words in that piece of paper.
“I wonder what David was thinking when he saw me yesterday!” If this is your distraction, write on the paper – ‘think about David’.
“I have to send an email to her today about the price and features!” If that is what’s in your head, write on the paper – ‘email her about price and features’.
“Which movie should I watch tonight?” Write – ‘decide the movie’.
We find it difficult to let go of certain thoughts because we fear we might forget about them. This is why we let them circle in our minds, which eventually distracts us from what we’re doing right now.
When you’re writing about these distractions on a paper, you’re basically ensuring you don’t forget about them. So, now you find it okay and easier to let these thoughts go away.
Also, spend enough of your time on these distractions once you have completed writing.
Psychologically, when you know you’re going to think about all distractions, at a separate time, once you’re done with the work, you find it relatively easier to push them aside and bring your focus back to what you’re doing very quickly.
This method of Distraction List relaxes your anxious thoughts, prevent you from feeling overwhelmed and maintain your focus.
Try it. Now. I promise this will make a very big difference for all content writers who find distraction a big problem.
These are 23 tips on how to create content faster.
Some of them are quick to implement. You can do them the next time you sit to write.
Others would require repetitive action, a shift in approach and a bit of time.
On the macro level, these tips, collectively, assure to help you make content fast without compromising in the quality department.
And the more time you give in practice, the more evident will the improvements become.
Speed will come naturally to you.
All you need to do is actively work for the improvements. And then deploy enough patience.
Recommended Read: Do You Need To Have a Strong Writing Skill For Blogging?
How to create content fast?
1. Create an environment and mindset that makes writing faster easier.
2. Do you write slow? Why? Identify this problem.
3. Have an editorial calendar. Always know you will write on next.
4. Use the Pomodoro Technique to be more productive.
5. Keep the introduction of the content for the very last.
6. Create a framework of the content; divide it into multiple parts.
7. Write like a (friendly) blogger and NOT writer.
8. Don’t edit your content after every paragraph.
9. Don’t include unnecessary information in your content.
10. Have an approximate idea of how long will it be.
11. Do not unnecessarily re-read what you have written after every other line.
12. Use the right tools that make writing and editing easier.
13. Challenge yourself to write faster. (Works incredibly if you’re competitive.)
14. Know how to do the research work the right way.
15. Work hard to improve your typing speed.
16. Do not re-write someone else’s content. Create unique, personalized copy.
17. Focus on providing the most value to your audience.
18. Add some stakes to why you should write faster.
19. Take a break before you start editing to refresh your mind.
20. Keep on increasing your knowledge through active learning.
21. Stop trying to get it “perfect”. You can’t and you don’t have to.
22. You have bad habits that make creating content slower. Fix them.
23. Track how much you have improved and if you’re in the right lane.
Take up better practices to save yourself from being easily distracted.